Monday, April 29, 2013

My First 5k

...of hopefully many!

This past Saturday I participated in the Country Music Marathon. I did the mini marathon. When I signed up for this a few months back, I was ready. I was pumped, motivated, and ready to train. Then I got sick (more than once) and hurt my arm. Training was the last thought in my mind. I kept putting it off, even after getting better. Life gets hectic, and the 5k was creeping up on me. I kept thinking in my head, "Who do you think you are? You have no business doing this. Back out now." I could not though. Even the night before when rain was on the way...I thought, "This is your chance to get out. Everyone will understand you didn't want to do it in the rain."

Apparently I was more set on this than I realized. I knew I wanted this. I knew I could not back out. It was in me to do it and I was aching for that accomplishment.

The day of the race I woke up at 4am. I hit snooze once and wanted to just turn off the alarm. I got up and got dressed, feeling anxious, but excited. My husband wished me good luck and I was on my way.

I got to the field where the finish was and boarded the shuttle that took us to the start. I was meeting my friends at the start, so I was alone. I immediately started feeling out of place. Most of the people on that shuttle were doing the half marathon or full marathon and looked as though they had done a few. I just sat there quietly and smiled nervously as people would look at me. I got off the shuttle and just followed the crowd. I had no idea what to do, what the "norm" was and just started wandering around. I grabbed a water and a banana and stood under a tree. I texted my friends and they were on their way. I wanted them to be there already. I was so nervous. It was 6:34 and they still hadn't arrived and I did not have my race bib on or my shoe tag. I asked a friendly face if she would help me and she was more than happy to. I started talking to a few people around me and realized how friendly everyone was. So many friendly people all in one place.

It started raining hard about 5 minutes before the race was going to start. I realized I had not gotten a pre-race pic yet and asked another friendly stranger to take a picture. Here I am :)

I was so unprepared and frazzled that day that I carried my wristlet. My COACH wristlet. In the rain. Boo me. Good thing I have back up. It had just started raining badly here. I wasn't quite soaked yet. 

My friends were still not here. I was freaking out. The race started and off I went. Luckily right at the start line they were there and ready to go! I was so happy and relieved. It was great to see them. I was ready. 

We walked. We walked and walked and walked. My body started hurting at mile 1. I was embarrassed. People walk miles in their sleep. I needed to rest at mile 1. I actually rested several times throughout the walk. And you know what? My friends never once made me feel bad about it. They were so supportive. I never felt rushed the entire way. These girls, Stephanie and Denise, convinced me to do something I never believed I could do. They made me believe in myself. I had incredible support by those girls that day, and will forever be grateful. I'm proud to call them friends. 

The second to the last time I sat for a minute, I was hurting really bad. In fact I started crying. I wasn't sure I could finish. My lower back was killing me. I was drenched. I hurt. Those tears only lasted for a second. I looked at my friends and said I was ready. I was quiet for a bit while I thought about what I almost did. I am not a quitter. You start something and you finish it. This was very important to me. I did this for myself. I doubted myself so much. I NEVER thought I could do it. Not in the shape I'm in now. I did this for ME. 

Here I am at the home stretch. 

I was smiling. Laughing. Happy. There was no more resting. This was it. I had come so far. I was almost there. Denise was probably telling me not to say mean things about myself because I had just mentioned that Stephanie was probably going to get my ice cream cone legs in the picture.

Another thing about these amazing women. They have the best spirit. They were so pumped and ready to go, and never once stopped encouraging me. They made me feel special. They showed me how awesome it was. They got excited with me. Oh, and these fabulous women went on to do the half marathon after it was over. They rock!!! So inspiring!

And then there is the finale. I rounded the corner to where the finish line was. My breath was suddenly taken away. I started gasping with emotion. It was a cry I had never cried. I started sobbing. I had really done this. The people were cheering and the announcer said my name as I crossed the finish line. It was the MOST incredible feeling.

My time was 1 hr 17 seconds. It felt longer. I was shocked and so proud.

I got my super awesome medal. Check it out.

So there is my experience. I am so very proud of myself. It was a day I will never forget, rain and all. I may have been walking like I'm 80 the last couple of days, but it is worth it. I'm ready to get to the gym. It has pushed me to become healthy. I want to do it again. I look forward to it. And to Stephanie and Denise who helped make this happen....THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART!!!!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

My Goals for 2013

I am going to list some realistic goals for 2013.

1. Lose 30 lbs

2. Walk a 5k

3. Walk a half marathon

4. Fit into pants 2 sizes smaller

5. Take a Zumba class

6. Quit smoking

7. Job promotion

These goals are very doable, and mean a lot to me. The past few New Years I have said "This year I will lose the weight. I will not look this way next year, or feel this way." I am determined to make that a true statement.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Work Sucks

I am so sick of my job. Customer service sucks. People just beat you up. I have been in my current job for over 3 years. I love the company I work for and the people I work with. I work with my best friend and have made many other wonderful friends. This is the only thing that keeps me there. My last job was the exact opposite. I loved my job but hated my coworkers.

When I started my job I didn't think it was too bad. After about a year and a half of dealing with crappy customers, I started getting sick of it. Then I went on maternity leave, came back, and was okay again for awhile. Now I'm just over it. It stresses me out. It wears on me. I have tried for promotions/different positions only to be let down. If I could just get off the phones, I feel like I could be happier. The longer I'm in my current position, the more bitter I become and more I suck at my job. I used to be great, happy friendly, customer service Jessica. Now I'm sick of people's crap. I'm trying to suck it up until I can finally get that promotion I deserve, but the smart ass has started coming out of me. Please pray I can suck it up a little while longer.

You would probably think talking on the phone all day would not wear you out...but it does. By the time I get home, I am exhausted. My couch calls my name. I really wish my gym would move the punching bag to a more private location. It is located right at the front of the gym where people come in and out. I would love to punch it out and call it a day, but I would be way too embarrassed. I'm thinking about asking them if there is anywhere else they can put it.

Luckily, all is forgotten from my crappy work day when I get home. My sweet son greets me with a huge smile, hug, and kiss, and my husband too. They are my reason. They make me want to be healthy. I want to be healthy and live long for them.

Happy Good Friday! Goodnight.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Easter Candy

You know those little mini cadbury eggs? Well...I made the mistake of getting a bag while getting little man's Easter basket together. I think we went shopping...Tuesday? Bag is done today. I shared at least.

I am going to start walking Monday. I am looking forward to it. I am finally going to put my fears behind me and just do it. I'm grateful for the support I've been given lately to help push me.

Off subject..I got me a new phone today. I love it. The iPhone 5  :) I'm hoping to use it more for when I walk too. I need to get Endomundo app.

Well, I'm tired but I really wanted to make sure I posted tonight. I'll hopefully have a chance to write more tomorrow!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


I've been absent awhile. I'm not surprised, I'm terrible at keeping up a blog. Plus, I've been ashamed of myself. I feel like every time I write I have to give some new excuse as to why I have been unsuccessful. Excuse after excuse gets old. I get sick of hearing it come from my own mouth. 

I signed up for a 5k about 2 weeks ago. I'm super stoked. I wanted to start training when I signed up but I fell on my arm. I hurt it bad. It is not broken, however, my disability makes it a little tougher to maneuver with one arm. The doctors say try to be as immobile as possible. HAHA very funny. I have a wild toddler. This is not super easy. My husband has been extremely helpful with taking care of little man and doing things around the house. Once again though, exercise is halted. I feel like it has been one thing after another. 

I started thinking. Yes, it has sucked, but I think in the back of my head I have welcomed the excuses to get me out of exercise. I'm scared to start back. I'm lazy. I am afraid of the 5k and looking like a wimp when I'm sweating after 3.1 miles. People RUN 3.1 miles daily. It is nothing. It scares the crap out of me though. So many healthy people will be there. 

After talking to a friend last night, I decided, screw it. I can do this. I am stronger than my injury. I have joined a small group of women in a fitness/support group. I am amazed at the support I have been given. It really does help to have people cheering for you and truly rooting for you to succeed. I feel very blessed that they have asked me to join their group. 

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

New Hair

Everyone!! Come and see how good I look!! :)

I luuuurve it. Automatic confidence boost. Now to get my workout on. I'm getting my sexy back!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Feeling Mopey

Oh woe is me. Poor pitiful me. I go through these moods sometimes. I hate them. I feel bad about myself, low self-esteem, sad for no reason...I hate it. I used to be the most confident girl. I want that back so bad.

I'm feeling fat and ugly. I have a husband that makes me feel beautiful and a little boy that thinks I'm the world, but I can't seem to make myself feel that way.

I have been going strong on the no fast food since January 7th. I have not drank a coke in 7 days. These things are great, but I haven't worked out, I still eat bad, and I've been sick off and on since November.

I think being sick off and on since November has taken its toll. I am mentally exhausted. I am physically exhausted. The husband has given me times to rest too. I feel like I'm losing my mind.

I was letting my hair grow out to its natural color. I started doing that this time last year. It's only halfway there. I can't take it anymore. I'm getting it done Tuesday. I'm hoping it makes me feel pretty. I need something to make me feel pretty.

I keep saying I'm going to start back to the gym. Things keep coming up. MUST.FIND.TIME.

Sorry for the uber depressing post. I needed to let some of that out.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


I have never participated in lent before, but I have chosen to this year. I think it is a great opportunity to rid myself of something for 40 days. I have chosen to give up soda for 40 days.

Maybe I can finally mark that goal off my list! :) I know how bad it is but it tastes soooo good.

Thursday, February 7, 2013


It's been 1 whole month no fast food!! I at least achieved one of my goals. This makes me feel so good I'm going to go for 2 months now. No fast food until March 7th!!

I have been severely slacking otherwise. No working out in the last couple of weeks due to a very irritating sinus infection that comes and goes constantly. It is miserable.

I need to get my booty to the gym. Vacation is pretty much 4 months away...and I would like to lose 30 lbs by then.

Sunday, January 27, 2013


I'm guilty of having at least one coke a day. Maybe this will help...

I found it on {Bye Bye Baby Fat} on Facebook.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

I Hate Being Sick

So I've been pretty sick. I never kicked it and it really picked up full gear Wednesday on until now. I still feel like crap. Needless to say, I only worked out Monday last week. Sad face.

On the up side, I ate really well. I knew I wasn't going to be able to workout so I made up for it by eating great. It was hard too, being sick and on my period and all.

In two weeks I have lost 3 lbs. I'm so excited!! I'm excited to see how much I lose when I'm working out more too.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Supportive Husband

Supportive husband win! I begged...I mean BEGGED my husband to pick me up McDonald's tonight. He refused. He told me I'd regret it afterwards.


I'm on my period. I am such a binge eater at this time. I just want to eat everything. I'm really glad he said no. I knew as I was begging it was a bad idea. I think in my head I really did want him to say no, because otherwise I would have turned into a raving lunatic and he would have ended up getting it. I think I did good. He did good. Hurray!

I've lost steam about my workout tomorrow. It's freezing and gloomy outside. There's an ice storm warning right now. Hopefully I'll get my steam back tomorrow. Don't worry-I still plan on going.

Until next time...

Monday, January 14, 2013

Weekend Update

It was a rainy, lazy weekend with my two favorites guys, my husband and son. I planned on working out on Saturday, which would have kept the every other day workouts in place, but I skipped out. Instead I chased my toddler around. Fair trade? I think so. I worked up a sweat a few times. I am pretty disappointed in myself though. I ate pretty bad too. No fast food though. I'm sticking to that.

Brag: My husband went to McDonald's Sunday morning for breakfast and I did not partake. GO ME!

Shame: I missed my workout.

I did go workout today though. I knew I did not want to miss it. I was afraid if I did, I'd fall right back into that routine again. It was sleeting and nasty out, but I forced myself to go. I'm so glad I did. I started myfitnesspal again. I really just like to have a place to see how many calories I'm taking in.

I probably won't post much on weekends. I'm too busy loving on my sweet boy. I'm looking forward to my workout Wednesday!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Second Workout: Check!

I went to the Y last night. Yesterday morning I was so pumped but by the end of the work day I was dragging and dreading it. I powered through it though and felt so good afterwards. I think the every other day thing will be good for me.

I need good ideas for pre and post workout snacks and meals. If you have any, please let me know. I am very lazy when it comes to meals, so it needs to be SIMPLE, grab and go kind of things. Thanks in advance!

I think I'm going to take a class tomorrow. I will only go if my sister comes too though. It should be fun.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Am I Really Hungry?

I am so guilty of eating when I'm bored. I will put my son to bed at night and sit my butt in front of the tv and need to snack. That habit has got to go. (Or the snack needs to change) I found this blog (again, on pinterest) and I love it. You should check it out. It's called The Londoner. Here's a link:

I love her post on the Anti-Diet. I decided to post it here so that I can always have a reminder to check my hunger.

Love it. I hope I can follow it. She's says to start eating around 3 or 4.

Rules I Want To Live By

I found this on pinterest and of course repinned right away. I love it.

I need to get this book. I think I would enjoy it. Has anyone read it? Reviews? 

Getting my workout on today after work. Get this...I'm actually excited. :)

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


I need to remember how sore I get when I haven't worked out in forever. My legs are killing me. Thank God I'm doing every other day.

Oh! I forgot to mention that part of my workout yesterday included a dance party with my son. WOW that was like 2 times the workout. He is 22 lbs and it was tough. I carried him while dancing. I'm hoping it gets easier!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Sweet Potatoes Are Okay

I used to hate sweet potatoes, but I think my taste buds have changed because I'm starting to like them. THIS IS HUGE. I can finally make the switch. Goodbye white. This mama is on a mission to get healthy.

I worked out tonight. It about killed me and I'll probably be hurting tomorrow. My goal is to workout every other day. Time to put my Y membership to use.

I have vowed to not eat McDonald's until February 7th or later. No fast food for a month. This is hard for me. Fast food is my biggest weakness. Hence the title of my blog. My goal is to ultimately rid myself of fast food, unless it is a salad or something plain.

I have to make these changes. I started this blog knowing it would be hard. As you can see I've had my share of up days and down days. I get motivated, then lose it. This is the story of my life. I need to change. I'm hoping this will be it.

Day 2

Day 1 went great until I got home. I wanted to eat everything in site. Luckily it was apples, bananas and a cheese sandwich. Oh yeah, and 4 mini snickers. Will I ever be able to quit smoking? Ugh, it is ridiculous. I'm disappointed in myself. I'm working out today though. I pinky promised my husband, so no backsies.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Day 1

Get ready...this time I'm for real.

Fit comfortably in jeans.
Not hate my arms in pictures.
Look good in a swimsuit.
Lose all but one of my chins.
Relieve some joint pain.
Lose 60-70 lbs.
No more smoking.
Eat "cleaner."
Ditch McDonald's addiction.

I'm excited. I have so many reasons this is for real this time. I feel really good about it. Wish me luck. I'll be checking in frequently.