Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Sweet Potatoes Are Okay

I used to hate sweet potatoes, but I think my taste buds have changed because I'm starting to like them. THIS IS HUGE. I can finally make the switch. Goodbye white. This mama is on a mission to get healthy.

I worked out tonight. It about killed me and I'll probably be hurting tomorrow. My goal is to workout every other day. Time to put my Y membership to use.

I have vowed to not eat McDonald's until February 7th or later. No fast food for a month. This is hard for me. Fast food is my biggest weakness. Hence the title of my blog. My goal is to ultimately rid myself of fast food, unless it is a salad or something plain.

I have to make these changes. I started this blog knowing it would be hard. As you can see I've had my share of up days and down days. I get motivated, then lose it. This is the story of my life. I need to change. I'm hoping this will be it.


  1. Thinking of you and cheering you on this month as you stay far far away from fast food!!!! You CAN do it!

  2. You CAN do this, pretty girl! Great job, keep it up!!
