Thursday, January 10, 2013

Am I Really Hungry?

I am so guilty of eating when I'm bored. I will put my son to bed at night and sit my butt in front of the tv and need to snack. That habit has got to go. (Or the snack needs to change) I found this blog (again, on pinterest) and I love it. You should check it out. It's called The Londoner. Here's a link:

I love her post on the Anti-Diet. I decided to post it here so that I can always have a reminder to check my hunger.

Love it. I hope I can follow it. She's says to start eating around 3 or 4.

1 comment:

  1. Geneen Roth uses this. It is the hardest part. The paying attention. But it is also the best tool for stopping when you are satisfied and not stuffed.
