Friday, July 6, 2012

The Hunger Games

So I just read Fifty Shades of Grey, and now I am reading The Hunger Games. It is so funny how each of these books have made me think about the way I eat. In Fifty Shades, Christian has this way he likes his "subs" to eat. I thought to myself, "Hmmm, not a bad diet plan." Now I'm reading The Hunger Games, as I eat a bag of popcorn, thinking how I should learn to eat like a minimalist, like I'm just eating to survive.

Eating food has become so much more than what it should be. We no longer just eat to survive. We eat to celebrate and to enjoy. If I could just get myself out of that mindset, and eat only what I need to survive, then I would be fine. This is tough though. Everything seems to revolve around food. Birthdays, holidays, family gatherings, celebrations, and getting together with friends...all revolve around food. I can't help but think it would be nearly impossible to avoid that. I need to learn how to say no. No to my body and no to my friends and family.

I got the Jillian Michaels "Boost Metabolism" dvd and am going to start doing that soon. Wish me luck!!


  1. You can do it! I thought the same way while reading Hunger Games, and think we all forget sometimes it is good to eat to live, not live to eat.

  2. Jessica, have you read anything about intuitive eating? It is about a place of yes. Yes to what your body NEEDS, not what your head wants or what your heart is missing and trying to use food to replace. I have some awesome sources I can share if it is something you are interested in. It has really changed my life and FINALLY after about 4 years of doing it I "get it" and have started to drop the weight. Geneen Roth is my favorite.

  3. I would LOVE to hear more about that Denise. Please share!!

  4. This is why I want to go on Survivor! I swear I would lose awesome weight by doing it! haha
