Sunday, January 27, 2013


I'm guilty of having at least one coke a day. Maybe this will help...

I found it on {Bye Bye Baby Fat} on Facebook.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

I Hate Being Sick

So I've been pretty sick. I never kicked it and it really picked up full gear Wednesday on until now. I still feel like crap. Needless to say, I only worked out Monday last week. Sad face.

On the up side, I ate really well. I knew I wasn't going to be able to workout so I made up for it by eating great. It was hard too, being sick and on my period and all.

In two weeks I have lost 3 lbs. I'm so excited!! I'm excited to see how much I lose when I'm working out more too.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Supportive Husband

Supportive husband win! I begged...I mean BEGGED my husband to pick me up McDonald's tonight. He refused. He told me I'd regret it afterwards.


I'm on my period. I am such a binge eater at this time. I just want to eat everything. I'm really glad he said no. I knew as I was begging it was a bad idea. I think in my head I really did want him to say no, because otherwise I would have turned into a raving lunatic and he would have ended up getting it. I think I did good. He did good. Hurray!

I've lost steam about my workout tomorrow. It's freezing and gloomy outside. There's an ice storm warning right now. Hopefully I'll get my steam back tomorrow. Don't worry-I still plan on going.

Until next time...

Monday, January 14, 2013

Weekend Update

It was a rainy, lazy weekend with my two favorites guys, my husband and son. I planned on working out on Saturday, which would have kept the every other day workouts in place, but I skipped out. Instead I chased my toddler around. Fair trade? I think so. I worked up a sweat a few times. I am pretty disappointed in myself though. I ate pretty bad too. No fast food though. I'm sticking to that.

Brag: My husband went to McDonald's Sunday morning for breakfast and I did not partake. GO ME!

Shame: I missed my workout.

I did go workout today though. I knew I did not want to miss it. I was afraid if I did, I'd fall right back into that routine again. It was sleeting and nasty out, but I forced myself to go. I'm so glad I did. I started myfitnesspal again. I really just like to have a place to see how many calories I'm taking in.

I probably won't post much on weekends. I'm too busy loving on my sweet boy. I'm looking forward to my workout Wednesday!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Second Workout: Check!

I went to the Y last night. Yesterday morning I was so pumped but by the end of the work day I was dragging and dreading it. I powered through it though and felt so good afterwards. I think the every other day thing will be good for me.

I need good ideas for pre and post workout snacks and meals. If you have any, please let me know. I am very lazy when it comes to meals, so it needs to be SIMPLE, grab and go kind of things. Thanks in advance!

I think I'm going to take a class tomorrow. I will only go if my sister comes too though. It should be fun.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Am I Really Hungry?

I am so guilty of eating when I'm bored. I will put my son to bed at night and sit my butt in front of the tv and need to snack. That habit has got to go. (Or the snack needs to change) I found this blog (again, on pinterest) and I love it. You should check it out. It's called The Londoner. Here's a link:

I love her post on the Anti-Diet. I decided to post it here so that I can always have a reminder to check my hunger.

Love it. I hope I can follow it. She's says to start eating around 3 or 4.

Rules I Want To Live By

I found this on pinterest and of course repinned right away. I love it.

I need to get this book. I think I would enjoy it. Has anyone read it? Reviews? 

Getting my workout on today after work. Get this...I'm actually excited. :)

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


I need to remember how sore I get when I haven't worked out in forever. My legs are killing me. Thank God I'm doing every other day.

Oh! I forgot to mention that part of my workout yesterday included a dance party with my son. WOW that was like 2 times the workout. He is 22 lbs and it was tough. I carried him while dancing. I'm hoping it gets easier!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Sweet Potatoes Are Okay

I used to hate sweet potatoes, but I think my taste buds have changed because I'm starting to like them. THIS IS HUGE. I can finally make the switch. Goodbye white. This mama is on a mission to get healthy.

I worked out tonight. It about killed me and I'll probably be hurting tomorrow. My goal is to workout every other day. Time to put my Y membership to use.

I have vowed to not eat McDonald's until February 7th or later. No fast food for a month. This is hard for me. Fast food is my biggest weakness. Hence the title of my blog. My goal is to ultimately rid myself of fast food, unless it is a salad or something plain.

I have to make these changes. I started this blog knowing it would be hard. As you can see I've had my share of up days and down days. I get motivated, then lose it. This is the story of my life. I need to change. I'm hoping this will be it.

Day 2

Day 1 went great until I got home. I wanted to eat everything in site. Luckily it was apples, bananas and a cheese sandwich. Oh yeah, and 4 mini snickers. Will I ever be able to quit smoking? Ugh, it is ridiculous. I'm disappointed in myself. I'm working out today though. I pinky promised my husband, so no backsies.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Day 1

Get ready...this time I'm for real.

Fit comfortably in jeans.
Not hate my arms in pictures.
Look good in a swimsuit.
Lose all but one of my chins.
Relieve some joint pain.
Lose 60-70 lbs.
No more smoking.
Eat "cleaner."
Ditch McDonald's addiction.

I'm excited. I have so many reasons this is for real this time. I feel really good about it. Wish me luck. I'll be checking in frequently.